Top 10 letters to foreign ambassadors written but not sent by former, current and future presidents of the united states (November 2017)
by Devinn Brone

10. President Jack Nicholson to Leonard Nimoy, Ambassador to Peru pertaining to successful/unsuccessful intestinal contusion treatment methodologies
9. President Bill Clinton to Arthur Franklin Pierce Swiss Ambassador pertaining to scholastic regret

8. President Millard Fillmore to Jonathan Raul Calia Spanish Ambassador pertaining to Ydlmier roster re: globalist fema camps

7. President John F Kennedy to Bill Clinton Ambassador to Ecuador pertaining to the tribulations of modern love in anthro-centric world

6. President Zachary Taylor to Leland Palmer Pakistani Ambassador pertaining to well-wishings in advance of the arrival of 101st many spoiled babies airborne division

5. President Arthur Conan Doyle to Gérard Araud French Ambassador pertaining to wig size complications re: Genetic Virus

4. President Gerald Ford to Anatoly Dobrynin Russian Ambassador pertaining to 300 year hockey rematch re: hoax

3. President Calvin Coolidge to Dwight Morrow Ambassador to Mexico pertaining to toxoplasmosis nightmare visor

2. President Rutherford B Hayes to Ellen Kal-Horzoi Iranian Ambassador pertaining to source baitv

1. President Lemon Grass to Stephanie McMahon Ambassador to Hungary pertaining to discretion re: immaterial reality